Carson Domey, Founder


Carson Domey, 19, was diagnosed with a lifelong illness at age 8 with no cure but has chosen to embrace the challenges of his disease, manage it, and use his experience to help others. He chose never to allow Crohn’s to define him; instead, he continuously chooses to define it. In the past eight years, Carson has raised over a million dollars by sharing his story to help find cures, improve treatment, and enhance the lives of patients. 

Carson is also a mental health and telemedicine advocate. Growing up, his advocacy at the Massachusetts State House began at the age of 12-years-old while seeking to expand access to telehealth services in Massachusetts. Following the loss of a friend to suicide in 2018, he began advocating for a more just mental health system and greater widespread education about mental health. Carson is working with legislators to pass bills to expand mental health education and resources within the state’s school systems. 

Carson is currently a student at the University of Texas at Austin, studying Government and Business Public Policy. In his free time, he enjoys flying, spending time with family, and rooting for the Texas Longhorns.